Friday, March 03, 2006

Van Gogh Born; Presley On Louisiana Hayride

ALTERNATE HISTORIAN'S NOTE: Please send us entries for our next contest, which will be an Alternate April Fool's Day, April 1st, 2006. Just send us the entries for now - we'll decide on a deadline later. (Contest rules) And, another cool thing - Let us know where you are on Frappr!

March 3rd, 2006

in 1123 Post-Creation, in spite of admonitions not to, many of the para-angels beginning singing praises to Lucifer, rather than the Creator, at evening thanks. Since his takeover of Heaven, Lucifer has restored order to Eden, and the place has come to resemble the paradise it once was again. However, romantic contact between the pure angels and those of human ancestry has been forbidden, and much resentment of this boils under the surface of the happy life in Eden.

in 1853, Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh is born in Groot Zundert. As a successful art dealer for the firm Goupil & Cie, he was transferred to their London office in 1873, and it was here that he truly began to come into his own. The company transferred him to their Paris office in 1875, and Van Gogh began selling his own work alongside that of others. In the 1880’s, he battled severe depression, but a young German doctor, Sigmund Freud, assisted him through that in 1886, and he came out of it inspired. His great works from this period sell for millions in auctions today.

in 1894, Conspirators of the Speaker’s Line began publishing a small Greek paper in New York City. Called The Atlantis, the newspaper carried hidden messages to the Speaker’s Line in the old code devised by Da Vinci.

in 1918, the Greater Zionist Resistance captures Saint Petersburg, Russia, and forces the surrender of Tsar Nicholas II. Astrid Pflaume, a neo-Nazi from the future secretly guiding the G.Z.R., is stunned at how well her movement is doing militarily, and how poorly the Germans her comrade Kurt Weimer is commanding are holding up their end of their plan.

in 1952, the Supreme People’s Court upholds a New York Soviet law prohibiting capitalists from teaching in the public school system. The 6-3 decision upholding the Feinberg Law said, “The state has a constitutional right to protect the immature minds of children from subversive propaganda,” while the dissenters maintained it “turned the school system into a spying project.”

in 1955, a truck driver turned singer from Tupelo, Mississippi appeared on the Louisiana Hayride, a popular radio program, and set the nation on fire. The young man, Jesse Presley, became the most popular singer in the world practically overnight.

in 1985, President Ralph Shephard signs an order reopening the old Andersonville Prison Camp in Georgia. The site of the worst atrocities against Civil War P.O.W.’s has received little publicity since then, but Shephard is ready to give it new life.

in 1991, George Holliday, videotaping some shots of Los Angeles’ Hansen Dam Park, saw several police officers beating a black man in the street. He put down his camera and ran over to the scene, but by the time he got there, the police had cuffed the suspect and thrown him into a squad car. Although Holliday attempted to get some news organizations interested, the fact that it was his word against several police officers’ led them to avoid his story. Ironically, if he had kept videotaping instead of rushing to help, the officers might have been brought to justice.

in 2004, with almost a dozen methane crabs on board, Charles Meriweather and his crew lift off of the Saturnian moon Titan, and head back to earth. The scientific mission, accomplished with the spaceship technology they had adapted from Martian invaders the summer before, was a rousing success, and they were ready to be hailed as heroes on their return to earth.

in 2005, Dave and Jeanne Lange, along with three other Save Earthers, escape from the prison camp that they have been held in and take off across the desert. They have no idea where they are, but they can see the lights of a city in the distance, and hope that it is Tucson. The Langes vow to each other that they will not be captured again.

in 2008, Velma Porter and Mikhail von Heflin appear outside of Brigamere, Scotland, startling a small group of New Age tourists there to see the infamous ley line that runs beside the village. The couple, after ascertaining what year it is, head into the village to see if they can get back to Bermuda and finally finish their vacation.

Timelines in today's post: the Fall, the Speaker, von Heflin, Communist America, the Ralph Shephard timeline, The Sheridans, The Claw and the GZR.

Today's "Six Degrees of Star Trek" challenge: Connect Andersonville to Star Trek. Place your answers in the comments and see the Forum for previous results. For more on 6 degrees games, click here.

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